Advanced ERP Solutions for

Pharma Industry


Expert ERP Software for Pharmaceutical Industry

Tightly controlled manufacturing processes, quality & governance, batch & LOT traceability, multiple distribution channels – and more. This is Infoway Pharma, a groundbreaking end-to-end ERP platform designed to meet the pharmaceutical industry’s unique needs.

Infoway Pharma raises the bar on pharmaceutical product manufacturing, offering an advanced set of tools to support fundamental processes in development, sales and distribution, including R&D project management, process manufacturing, work order management, document management, Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP), traceability, quality assurance, laboratory management and Material Review Board (MRB).

When it comes to guaranteeing compliance and adhering to the industry’s highly regulated standards, Infoway ERP Software for Pharmaceutical Industry ensures that products are consistently produced and controlled in accordance with these standards. Designed to minimize the risks involved in pharmaceutical products that cannot be eliminated through testing the final product, Infoway ERP Software for Pharmaceutical Industry enables organizations to comply with such standards.


Features You Will Be Served With

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    Automate Invoicing

    Automatically prepare State control documents, such as the Pedigree Report required by some states that shows the full history of the item, by Lot number (when purchased, date and PO number etc.

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    Live Batch Tracing

    Full production traceability by batch, item, and lot number. Track authorizations and shipments by country for product sale and distribution.

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    Updated Report Formats

    Invoice formats required by international clients (Government Invoice Requirements) automatically prepared after invoice verification. Just enter and make reports in updated versions.

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    Investment Banking

    Drive operational efficiencies and improve experience, by bringing a domain-centric middle and back-office transformation approach.

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    Digital Dashboards

    Digital Dashboards for managers provide up-to-the-minute snapshots of your business, such as projected cash flow, ratio analysis sales, profit summaries, top ten customer lists, items, and vendors.

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    Auto Code Updations

    It will automatically allot a batch no or code no to your newly added product.
    Items selected by lot number with oldest expiration dates and will be updated and notified.

Benefits to Pharma on

Choose Us and Get Benefited With Extra Features

  • Production Planning and Control

    Optimizing supply chain, managing research and development and improving visibility across production operation.

  • Quality Asurrance

    Ensures the entire development and/or maintenance processes to produce products that meet specifications/requirements as per schedule by GMP.

  • Expiry Management

    Keeps a track of expiry date and timely return to the supplier before the product expires. Manage products and keep them updated.

  • Procurement

    Get higher levels of end-user adoption and compliance while managing catalogue, requisitions & approvals, Purchase Orders etc.